Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Agradulce- Ultima Dias en Santander

This past week I've been studying for my finals in Historia del Arte y Gramatica and finishing up papers for Espana Actual. Sometimes I forget I'm going to school. On Tuesday afternoon I spent time with a Spanish friend, Juan, I made over the weekend. We walked around town and went to a cafe for a drink. I almost talked myself out of going since I've had so many last minute things to do and finals to study for but then asked myself "what do I have to lose?" I'm so glad I went! I turned into a chatterbox and talked the entire time. I don't know what has gotten into me. I'm usually the one to listen and ask questions. It was so much fun and I kept on thinking to myself "I wouldn't have been able to do this with ease 10 weeks ago." I even chatted with the waitress and another customer and overheard them talking about me once I left.

I've been feeling a mix of emotions this past week. I get sad and tearyeyed thinking that it's time to leave this little world I've been living in, this home away from home. My heart is heavy, I'm nervous, not ready to say goodbye, and scared to leave. You'd think I was going through a breakup. I guess I've fallen in love with Santander. Before I left I was stepping so far out of my comfort zone that it was scary. Now I'm scared to step back into my comfort zone. I hope to take some of the lessons I've learned back home with me. I know from now on any time I meet someone back home whose native language isn't spanish I'll be able to relate to them and have tons of patience with them. Learning a language is hard and it takes a lot of confidence. On the other hand I'm excited for the next 3 weeks of travel and excited to see my friends and family.
Today in class I took my grammer final and I'm officially on summer break! After our final we had a "graduation ceremony"  where the director of the program congradulated us and then handed us our diplomas. It was light hearted and fun. After that we had a fiesta for our Espana Actual class. Marian made us a chocolate cake, Nikko made guacamole, and Alex brough Oruja (a special drink from Cantabria). We listened to Spanish music and Marian made us all stand up and dance the mayonesa, macarena, and to popular Spanish songs. We showed her some "American dances" like the cupid shuffle and how to swing dance. It was a blast and a great way to end class.

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